Procure aqui

segunda-feira, 5 de outubro de 2009

Uau !! Que surpresa fantástica, faço esse blog de forma experimental e coloco idéias aleatórias tendo a poesia como item importante... é uma brincadeira, que ao ser feito é um trabalho também, e que também é um empreendimento de . Brincar também é sério !! A surpresa foi ter o Ricardo Del Rio como seguidor, ao pesquisar sobre ele achei todas essas informações. Fiquei feliz que faço também faço parte da Nação com Pijamas = PAJAMA*NATION. Confiram !!

Assinem ...
Sign up there !! I'm a pajamaworker too now....:)

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World Wide work

Pajamanation empowers people to earn a living from their homes unhindered by race, religion, place, nationality, disabilities or social status ... (empreendedorismo agora...em sua casa...veja:) See more:

Um pouco sobre pajamanation e tem muito mais...
about pajamanation:

Pajamantion Declaration of Interdependence

"In the course of human events, it has become possible — and even necessary — for all people in countries great and small — to defy all borders and boundaries in the service of real cool projects and in the pursuit of a more dynamic and more personal global economy. It has become necessary to form a Pajamanation.
The citizens of this Pajamanation rise up from all countries, races, creeds, and economic conditions. Wherever any individual or small group can get their hands on a machine that is linked to the World Wide Web, there they shall find World Wide Work and World Wide Workers, and there they shall be welcomed as citizens of Pajamanation.
No more! shall the advantages of the new globalized economy be available only to the giant corporations and their cronies in power.
No more! shall traffic jams and teeming hordes prevent us from realizing our visions... or just making some very sweet cash! Out of the streets and back into the homes!"

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